Hi there, I'm Brittany! Country by heart, City by nature. I am a passionate Entrepreneur, Artist, Mother and Wife.  I love to focus on the smallest details in my photos, Natural light and colors.

Ever since I was young, I've had a deep appreciation for nature and art. As I've journeyed through motherhood and business ownership, I've discovered a passion for capturing the beauty in small things. This led me to explore the world of macro photography, where I've found joy in capturing the intricate details and textures that often go unnoticed.
In addition to macro photography, I've also been drawn to product photography. I understand the importance of showcasing a product's unique qualities and presenting it in a way that speaks to its essence.

Through my photography, I strive to highlight the beauty and artistry that can be found in everyday objects, from the smallest details of nature to the carefully crafted products of small businesses. I firmly believe that there is art all around us, and I love sharing that beauty with others.

Join me on my journey as I continue to explore the world through my lens. Let's discover the beauty that surrounds us and celebrate the art in everything.
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